Teachers Training Calendar
Professional development is an integral component of quality before and after school programming. Open Door is approved and certified by the Maryland State Department of Education to train school age child care staff. Opportunities for staff development at Open Door, are centered around the working schedule of teachers who work from 7:00 – 9:00, and 3:00 – 6:00. Teachers are paid for time attending classes at Open Door, and for classes at colleges related to the field of School Age Child Care, tuition reimbursement is one of the staff benefits.
Staff who wish to sign up for trainings can call the office at 410-825-6300 or email training@opendoorcare.com. Trainings are approved by MSDE under approval numbers PSO-15003, CKO-340 and CTO-152502. Child care providers who are not employed by Open Door may download a Registration Form and submit it with payment to the Open Door main office.
In addition, trainings for the childcare community are available at different venues around the state:
Child Care Links Resource and Referral Center for Baltimore County @ www.childcarelinks.org
Child Care Links Resource and Referral Center for Harford County @ www.hcchildcarelinksinc.org
Arundel Child Care Connections @ www.arundelccc.org
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