Child Care Update
July 28, 2020 11:30 am Comments Off on Child Care UpdateATTENTION PARENTS and STAFF
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
All of the counties we serve have announced plans for opening, all subject to change pending direction from the State or CDC. These are the plans as of today:
- Anne Arundel County: Virtual Learning for the first semester. Open Door is working with AACPS to provide full day care options for families.
- Baltimore County: Virtual Learning for the first semester. Open Door is working BCPS to provide full day care options for families.
- Harford County: Virtual Learning for the first semester. Open Door is working with HCPS to provide before and after care to support Learning Centers, and potentially full day care.
We will continue to communicate details for before, after and full day care options as we work with the counties to finalize schedules. We look forward to seeing you and your children this fall.
Categorised in: Announcements
This post was written by smoxey
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